Below is a brief overview of how our in person training is organized. All cadets and parents are to be fully aware of the below requirements.
In-person Training Arrival Process
As soon as cadets arrive they are required to don a non-medical mask. Please bring your own as there is only a limited supply on hand at the cadet unit. We recommend bringing a spare mask in case the first one gets damp.
Cadets will check in with unit staff member and:
o Sanitize their hands
o Answer the Covid-19 Screening questions
o Sign training activity register
If any of the screening questions are answered with yes that individual will be immediately sent home.
All personnel are required to wear their non-medical mask for the duration of the activity, exception only when eating and drinking, and maintain 6ft of physical distancing at all times.
Once all cadets have arrived a unit staff member will conduct a safety briefing and remind cadets of Covid-19 spread reduction protocols.
If we are training at our LHQ we ask that no parent / guardian enter the building. If a parent requires to speak with an adult staff member they should email the cadet unit email address or have their cadet request a phone call home.
Every participant attending the in-person training activity must, prior to entering the facility or training area, read these questions and acknowledge on the COVID-19 Activity Register that they have NONE of the following symptoms:
If there are any concerns (i.e. they respond yes to any of the questions) the individual(s) shall be sent home immediately and told to follow up with their family doctor.
- Are you experiencing any severe difficulty breathing or severe chest pain?
- Are you experiencing any mild or moderate shortness of breath or unable to lay down due to being short of breath?
- Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
a. new or worsening cough?
b. an increased temperature?
c. feeling of fever or chills?
d. experiencing muscle aches?
e. loss of smell or taste?
f. feeling unwell?
g. Have/had any upset stomach or diarrhea? - Have you travelled outside of Nova Scotia in the last 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had close contact with a person with symptoms of COVID-19 or who has travelled outside of Nova Scotia?
(Close contact means lived with, provided care to, or travelled in a vehicle with) Reference: Health Canada COVID-19 Self-assessment –
All cadets must read, acknowledge their understanding and agree to abide by the cadet COVID awareness requirements outlined in the document found at the link below: