Monthly Archives: October 2017
High School Credits
Great info below on high school credits for cadets
Various Permission Slips / Kit List
Gold Star Expedition – Oct 13 – 15
Parental Consent (Activities by registration) – Gold Star Expedition
Fall FTX – Oct 27-29
FALL FTX Permission Slip and Kit List 2017
Band Workshop – Dec 9
Parental Consent (Activities by registration) – Music Workshop Dec 9
Master Cadet Workshop – Nov 25 – 26
Parental Consent (Activities by registration) – Master Cadet Workshop
Training Requirements Brief Outline
Below is a general outline of the training requirements for the different training levels in the Army Cadet Program. Please note this is not all encompassing but provides basic information and highlights certain aspects of the training program. Cadets must meet all requirements in order to successfully pass the training level they are currently enrolled in; the training year runs from Sept. 2017 to June 2018. Cadets that successfully complete their training year will be eligible to start training at the next level in Sept. 2018.
Also note that moving forward, cadets must maintain a minimum attendance rate of 60% in Mandatory Training in order to participate in optional training activities. Optional training activities include but are not limited to band, biathlon, marksmanship, orienteering etc. Cadet attendance rates will be monitored throughout the training year and notices will be sent home if a cadet falls below 60%.
Requirements to successfully pass each training level:
Green Star
– Have a minimum attendance rate of 60% in mandatory training activities.
– Attend 2 of the 3 weekend Field Training Exercises (FTX’s); one in fall, winter, spring.
– Participate in a minimum of one fitness test.
– Attend the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) in June (end of the training year).
Red Star
– Have a minimum attendance rate of 60% in mandatory training activities.
– Attend 2 of the 3 weekend Field Training Exercises (FTX’s); one in fall, winter, spring.
– Participate in a minimum of one fitness test.
– Attend the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) in June (end of the training year).
Silver Star
– Have a minimum attendance rate of 60% in mandatory training activities.
– Attend 2 of the 3 weekend Field Training Exercises (FTX’s); one in fall, winter, spring.
– Participate in a minimum of one fitness test.
– Attend the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) in June (end of the training year).
– Successfully complete all formal practical and written assessments in the following Performance Objectives (PO’s).
– PO 303: Perform the Role of a Team Leader
– PO 304: Track Participation in Physical Activities
– PO 308: Direct a Squad Prior to a Parade
– PO 309: Instruct a Lesson
– PO 322: Plot Location on a Topographical Map
– PO 324: Survive When Lost
– PO 326: Perform Expedition Skills*
* Cadets must participate in and pass all assessments conducted on an overnight weekend expedition conducted by regional expedition staff at one of the designated expedition sites. Activities may include hiking, biking, canoeing and navigation.
Gold Star
– Have a minimum attendance rate of 60% in mandatory training activities.
– Attend 2 of the 3 weekend Field Training Exercises (FTX’s); one in fall, winter, spring.
– Participate in a minimum of one fitness test.
– Attend the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) in June (end of the training year).
– Successfully complete all formal practical and written assessments in the following Performance Objectives (PO’s).
– PO 403: Act as a Team Leader
– PO 404: Track Participation in Physical Activities
– PO 408: Command a Platoon on Parade
– PO 409: Instruct a Lesson
– PO 422: Follow A Multi-Leg Route Using a Global Positioning System Receiver
– PO 424: Employ Natural Resources in a Survival Situation
– PO 426: Perform Expedition Skills*
* Cadets must participate in and pass all assessments conducted on an overnight weekend expedition conducted by regional expedition staff at one of the designated expedition sites. Activities may include hiking, biking, canoeing and navigation.
Master Cadet
The fifth level of training in the Army Cadet Program differs from the previous levels as it is primarily self-led by the cadet. It is understood that during this time many of our cadets at this level are also managing school, work, sports, and other extra-curricular activities while taking on more responsibilities as staff cadets at the cadet unit. This training level can be completed within one calendar training year, or longer, it depends on the cadet.
The requirements are:
– Participate in all Mandatory Training classes.
– Complete three complementary training packages.
– Participate in a minimum of one fitness test.
– Attend the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) in June (end of the training year).
– Successfully complete all formal practical and written assessments in the following Performance Objectives (PO’s).
– PO 502: Community Service
– PO 503: Lead Cadet Activities
– PO 504: Track Participation in Physical Activities
– PO 509: Instruct Cadets
– PO 513: Attend Workshops*
– PO 514: Pursue Individual Learning
* Cadets are required to participate in four half day workshops, organized and directed by the region. The four workshops are conducted over a weekend at a location within the local area.
Master Cadets are given a Logbook to help track their progress through the program.
It is important to also be aware that a cadet’s local training performance can have an impact on other requirements for the program such as qualifying for promotion, qualifying for summer training opportunities and advanced training opportunities.
If you would like to review an individual assessment you may do so on the cadet unit’s website under the training tab. Access the Qualification Standard Plan for the star level you are interested in and refer to Chapter 3.
Questions or concerns can be address to the training officer – Captain Cameron.