Sweatshirt Order

Good day,

We are preparing for a sweatshirt order. Right now we have 19 orders, if we get to 24 orders the price drops again.

Please see below, please respond:
1. to confirm you still want the sweatshirt and everything is spelled correctly/right size etc. OR to correct something
2. if you no longer want the sweatshirt
3. If you want to add your  name to the list (include the size and any writing on the sleeve)

Please email cadets3036@gmail.com by Nov 4

We accept cash (exact change) or cheque (made out to 3036 Army Cadets) – Once we place the order Money will be due before the cadet can pick up their sweatshirt. Please note by saying yes to the sweatshirt you are committing to paying.

Name Size Sleeve Line 1 Sleeve Line 2 Sleeve Charges Sweater cost Total Cost
Moors L Coach  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Amero M Hayley  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Sears M Sears  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Pettigrew L  $                                  –  $                      32.00  $                  32.00
Simms XL McKenzie  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Buekenhout L Buekenhout  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Hunter XL Marksmanship Hunter  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Blagdon H S Blagdon. H.  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Blagdon A M Blagdon  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Miller S Miller Band  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Murray J M Murray J. Band  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Murray W M Murray W. Orienteering  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Murray E S Murray E. Orienteering  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Gallant XL Band Flute  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
MacPhee M MacPhee  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Quintin XL  $                                  –  $                      32.00  $                  32.00
Horne L S Horne  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Simm XL Simm  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50
Geertsema S Geertsema Orienteering  $                              3.50  $                      32.00  $                  35.50

Biathlon Team Selections

The following cadets have been selected to represent the unit at the zone biathlon competition on 19th Nov in Shearwater:
Cdt Murray W
Cdt Murray E
Cdt Dunphy T
Cdt Foote T
Cpl Simms M
Cpl Fleet M
Cpl Sarty A
Sgt Murray A
MWO Surette Z
MWO Dicks C
MWO Sperry Z
If any of the above cadets are unable to commit to the competition date, or to Wednesday night and Sunday Range practices leading up to the competition please advise Capt Cameron ASAP;
Thank you to all the cadets that attended the tryout last week, you are still welcome to continue to train and learn about biathlon; in the event that a cadet that has been selected is unable to attend or commit to the competition, every attempt will be made to fill the spot with another cadet.
Capt Cameron

RDA – Nov 25-27


Permission slips are due by Nov 2nd. Any permission slips handed in after that date will be put on a waiting list to determine if there is space. We have to submit a nominal role and food allergies to the organizers on Nov 2nd.

The RDA is a fun event where cadets get to meet other army cadets from the HRM and participate in training activities and challenges. Such as shooting, orienteering, biathlon, fitness, drill team and a dance.

All cadets full enrolled by Nov 2 are welcome to hand in a permission slip.

Remembrance Day Parade

Remembrance Day – 11 Nov 2015 – Remembrance Day Parade

945 am in Full uniform – Beaverbank-Kinsac Fire Department – turn right up the road just before it to the school at the top of the hill (on the left). That is where we will be meeting.

You will be wearing your full uniform with a poppy. Dress for the weather – you can wear your cadet toque (if you have it) or your beret with your uniform, your cadet winter jacket (if you have it) , and black mittens or gloves. If you do not have a cadet winter jacket you can wear your civilian winter jacket over your uniform.

If your uniform has not come in by then you will wear appropriate civilian clothes – no bright colors.

Please keep in mind to dress for the weather. You can wear long johns under your uniform – do not constrict your blood flow by wearing tight constricting clothes under your uniform. Wool socks are a must in your parade boots to keep your feet warm – if you don’t have any go see supply.

The band will play. Make sure you bring your instrument and music.

Parents please stay at the ceremony until the cadets are done. Usually the ceremony ends around 11:20.

This is a mandatory event. Excused absences must be approved Capt. Chamberlaine.

Directions: https://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=First+Lake+Dr,+Lower+Sackville,+NS&daddr=Kinsac+Rd&hl=en&sll=44.848856,-63.683442&sspn=0.002727,0.005681&geocode=FfgvqwIdqqI0_Cmxt-7aiYhZSzH6Sr8xSIIgpw%3BFVdVrAIdmkM0_A&oq=first+lake&t=h&gl=ca&mra=dme&mrsp=1&sz=18&z=18

Fall FTX Permission Slip and Kit List


Due by Oct 24th.

Please note the following change to our upcoming FTX, unfortunately due to circumstances out of our control we have incurred a supply issue and cannot conduct an overnight weekend. The good news is we will still be doing adventure training. Please read below:

 Location: McDonald Sports Park – Waverly

Saturday October 29th

  • 8:30am Drop Off
  • 4:30pm Pick Up
  • ATTENDEES: Green Stars / Red Stars + Designated Instructors (Master Cadets)

 Sunday October 30th

  • 8:30am Drop Off
  • 4:30pm Pick Up
  • ATTENDEES: Silver Stars / Gold Stars + Designated Instructors (Master Cadets)


  • Outdoor clothing to keep you warm and dry for the forecasted weather
  • Long pants
  • Hiking Boots (comfortable to be walking around on uneven terrain all day)
  • Extra pair of shoes (sneakers or another pair of boots)
  • Blue Corps t-shirt
  • Sweater
  • Fall jacket (preferably water proof)
  • You may want a toque / mittens depending on the temperature

 Cadets are expected to arrive with a day bag:

  • Full water bottle
  • Extra socks
  • Plastic bag for wet gear / to line their bag to protect from wet weather
  • Rain Gear
  • Notepad and pen
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Optional – sunglasses

We still require permission slips to be returned by Monday so we can ensure we have an accurate head count of attendees each day.

 Lunch and snacks will be provided

Oct 3 Announcements

Wednesday night:

  • orienteering – map & compass navigation through the woods with Capt. Moors – dress is sports gear, be prepared to be outdoors as well
  • biathlon / fitness training – aerobic and body weight exercises with WO Surette – dress is sports gear, be prepared to be outdoors as well
  • band – welcoming new members who already play an instrument or who are eager to learn
  • supply – for new cadets and returning cadets
  • We will continue to accept new cadets on Mondays and Wednesdays
  • We will continue to do activities outdoors until the weather is too cold, please bring a sweater if you are someone who gets chilled easily
  • cadets may participate in up to two activities on Wednesday nights splitting their time in one hour internals with each activity. New cadets wishing to try a few activities out can do so but we will need a commitment to activities within two weeks so we can plan equipment needed, try outs etc. Please note fitness will be available throughout the biathlon season (up until November) after that it will be offered on a week to week basis pending instructor availability, this is for cadets wishing to work on their fitness level.
  • On Wednesday nights cadets must participate in an activity, it is not a hang out zone, cadets not participating in an activity or activities in the evening will be sent home.

Weekend: No activities

Monday – No cadets Monday – Happy Thanksgiving