
We are welcoming new cadets – please reach out to us at cadets3036@gmail.com .

Join us, It’s Free!

Cadets will have the opportunity to participate in Monday night regular training, Wednesday night orienteering and fitness, and Sunday marksmanship. Additionally, we will be organizing fun activities as permitted in the community and with outside organizations.

We parade at the 3 Military Police Regiment Building – 255 Damascus Drive, Bedford, NS.

The time commitment:

Every Monday evening between 1830-2100hrs  (630pm – 9pm)

Three weekend field training exercises (camping!), select parades such as Remembrance Day and Canada Day, Annual Mess Dinner and Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR).

Any extra activities you sign up for. Ex. Band, Biathlon, Marksmanship, Orienteering

How to Join:

Bring yourself and your parent/guardian with you on a Monday night and bring your health card & birth certificate or passport as proof of ID.

Be between the ages of 12 and 18

Be a Canadian citizen, or lawful resident

Not belong to another Cadet Corps or Squadron (you can transfer between units)

Be medically, physically, and psychologically fit to participate in training activities.

Complete the online registration: https://registration.cadets.gc.ca/get-started.html

This website and its contents belong to the civilian sponsor of 3036 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps.

These pages are not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defense or the Army Cadet League of Canada.